We processed praying the rosary to Choices abortion facility and we noticed immediately that there were about 7 escorts outside the clinic. Shortly after our arrival, several women who had made appointments appeared, escorted by the escorts. In fact so many came that due, I am sure, to COVID - 19 restrictions, the ladies were asked to stand outside and line up. It was one of the saddest sites I have ever seen, 7 or 8 women standing outside wanting in line to kill their children. Fr. Bolanos, after leading a decade of the rosary, handed his microphone to one of his parishioners and walked across the street to attempt to talk to the women in line. I do not think he was successful in convincing any of the woman to keep their babies, but he did make the effort.
As St. Mother Theresa has taught us, God did not call us to be successful, but to be faithful. Fr. Bolanos certainly evidenced his faith in a most moving way.
Kevin Moore