─ 18 days a baby's heart begins to beat
─ 43 days brain coordinates movement
─ 7 weeks a baby can hiccup
─ 8 weeks organs can function
─ 9 weeks has permanent, individual fingerprints
─ 10 weeks can feel pain
─ 12 weeks a baby can smile, suck his thumb and make a fist
At what point do we call the embryo “a human being”? It is difficult to pick a point where the embryo suddenly becomes human, isn’t it? It would be arbitrary. Many young women on seeing an ultrasound decide not to abort the baby. Seeing the image makes it very clear - the child is human!
See: <http://prolifeacrossamerica.org/baby-developmental-facts/>
Every human is created in God’s image; as such, life is sacred and valuable whether the person is young, old, has disabilities, etc. Pro-Lifers fight for the unborn in the same way that abolitionists fought to ban slavery. . .because we see it as a grave injustice.
Both Locke and Jefferson referred to a “right to life” as part of “natural law”. Pro-lifers know the aborted baby girl or boy is not the only victim of abortion. America has lost over 60 million children to abortion since it was legalized in 1973. There is no way to calculate the repercussions! Many of those who were aborted would have given life to their own children.
Financial problems are often given as a reason to abort an unborn child. Abortionists take a life, earn income form the “procedure”, and the young woman is left with years of misery following the abortion. Women who have had abortions have higher rates of depression, suicide, drug use, etc. Pro-Lifers are called to love the mother as well as the child. <https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/abortion-leads-to-increased-risk-of-suicide-death-depression-study>
Extracted from an article by Melinda Rabbia, Chair, St. Joseph R.C. Respect Life Committee, Oradell, NJ. Bergen County Right to Life