God bless Father Michael W. Panicali (The Tablet, Oct. 3, 2020) for stating that a properly formed conscience can make the right determination and defend life by not voting for a pro-legalized abortion candidate. He also stated that it is "imperative that [the] Catholic hierarchy and media form consciences that place the defense of life and the eradication of legalized murder in its appropriately preeminent place."
All Catholics, lay and religious, should be obliged by their informed consciences to vote for the party that stands up for life and religious freedom. All Lives Matter from the womb to the tomb.
Father Panicali gave a wonderfully informative lecture on all Pro-Life issues including end-of-life (allowing assisted suicide) on May 5, 2019, at Holy Family Parish. This program was sponsored by the Joint Parish Respect Life Committee. I am on the board of the New York State Right to Life Committee, Inc.
Madeleine Santangelo-Palumbo
Sea Cliff, NY
Note: This letter was submitted to the editor of The Tablet but never published.