Attached is the abortion language of the Governor’s newly-released women’s equality act, together with our analysis of that language (hat tip to Ed Mechmann for helping us out.) The language is much shorter than the “Reproductive Health Act” and may seem to be innocuous at first blush. It is being promoted by the Governor and women’s groups as “simple codification of Roe v. Wade,” which they claim is the “law of the land.”
This is not true, of course, and in some ways, the bill is more dangerous than the Reproductive Health Act: for example, unlike the RHA where viability was defined, the new language permits the abortion of any child who is not “viable,” and allows the abortionist to define viability. It also allows the Health Department to decide who may perform abortions, and doesn’t limit it to health care professionals as the RHA did. So it is really a “stealth” abortion expansion act.
Kathleen M. Gallagher
Director of Pro-Life Activities
New York State Catholic Conference
465 State Street
Albany, NY 12203
[ http://www.nyscatholic.org ]www.nyscatholic.org