It is somewhat easy to understand why there were some empty seats on the Queens Deanery 5 bus that departed from the American Martyrs parking lot at 6:15AM on Friday the 24th of January headed for the March for Life in Washington DC. Usually, it is pretty cold in DC at the end of January. It is at least a 4-and-a-half hour bus ride each way not including stops which makes for a long day off from work. There can be a lot of standing around between speakers and while waiting for the March to begin. And lastly, you’re going to get your steps in that day and a lot of them at that. Oh yeah and that getting up at the crack of dawn thing. Excuses, excuses. =)
These are likely the same deterrents that prevent every Deanery in each of the five boroughs and beyond from sending a bus, but thankfully Father Marc Swartvagher, the pastor of St. Kevin’s in Flushing, put all of that aside to lead us pilgrims that morning.
As the bus crossed into Delaware and pulled into the rest area, I am sure the irony was not lost on the passengers from the dozes of busses whose drivers had the same idea as they disembarked and entered the Biden Welcome Center. Although still early in the morning, there was an energy in that building that was more than just the relief of stretching legs, cups of coffee, and bathroom breaks. Strangers by face, but unified by one cause, people greeted each other with nods and smiles as they passed each other.
Upon arriving Washington DC the bus left us in front of St. Patrick’s Catholic Church on 10th Street NW just in time for part of the standing room only Mass. The oldest Catholic parish in the city of Washington, it was established in 1794 and welcomed pro-life visitors from around the country. As Mass ended, I had the good fortune to say hello to Father Fidelis Moscinski who, too, found himself standing in the same corner of the church with the rest of us.
After the Mass we walked a few blocks and waited in line to get through the metal detectors just like we would at a Mets or Rangers game. As we stood on the grassy National Mall we listened to a great line-up of speakers which included Florida Governor Rick DeSantis, Vice President JD Vance, Live Action founder Lila Rose and former abortionist Dr. Catherine Wheeler who is now an ardent pro-life activist. Perhaps the most moving stories though were those told by abortion survivor Josiah Presley and by Beverly Jacobson with her husband and daughter, Verity, by her side. Beverly founded Mama Bear Care when Verity was born with Edwards syndrome and has since defied the “incompatible with life” diagnosis the doctors had given.
As the speakers wrapped up, we joined the huge throng of people who had begun lining up earlier with their banners and signs. I saw the fantastic photographer and even better human being, Jeffrey Bruno, down the sidewalk a bit, but by the time I got there he and his telephoto lens were gone. Jeffrey’s photos from the 2025 March for Life capture the vitality and excitement of that day much better than my words can.
Being a Knight of Columbus, I was somewhat partial to the green and white "Love Life, Choose Life" signs and was very thankful for the Virginia Knights for providing leadership along the parade route. As an aside, we are trying to get more Tri-State area Knights involved in our NYC International Gift of Life Walk on March 25th.
Some of the more impactful messages were on the pink and blue "Defund Planned Parenthood" signs (slated to receive $600-$700 million in funding from the current administration), the "God Will Not Be Mocked" signs from The White Rose Resistance and the big yellow flag with "LIFE WINS" in black letters.
My favorites though were two handmade signs. One had a photo of Donald Trump from his reality TV days and read “Abortion, you’re FIRED.” The other was a simple message of "Let God Plan Parenthood."
As we processed past the US Capitol before finishing at the Supreme Court it was encouraging to see that once again the future of the Pro-Life movement: high school and college students from across the country, were out in full force as was the energizing music of the Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) band.
They and so many others said no to the devil’s deterrents that we allow into our head – too cold, too far, too long to walk, can’t miss a day of work . . . and now, in less than two months, we have the chance to mobilize locally and encourage our family, friends and neighbors to say no to those deterrents again, and to show Kathy Hochul and fellow New Yorkers that there are plenty of us who will advocate for life from conception to natural death regardless of the bills she signs into law.
With two great speakers lined up for our downtown NYC International Gift of Life walk on March 25th: Grand Marshal and Pro-Life speaker Rebecca Kiessling, who was given up for adoption after being conceived by rape, and special guest speaker and EWTN host, Very Reverend Chris Alar, it is going to be a great day. Hope to see you there. LIFE WINS!